
Risk on the inside of the kingdom is different than risk outside the kingdom. Risk is often viewed as negligent in the world, but it is required in the kingdom. Risk is the evidence of the inside “yes” that partners with hope. Risk is a uniquely personal choice. It is also an innately logical choice after you begin dreaming again. Dreaming with God leads to risk. Risk takers become history makers.Risk isn't really risk at all when viewed through the lens of heaven. The mind of Christ views the impossible as logical. The logical thinking and acting of the mind of Christ is only viewed as risk by those who aren't possessed by it's truths, nature, and possibilities.

The advancing kingdom is carried by those who’s limitations are not bound by earthly perception. The kingdom is carried by unquenchable hopers, thirsty dreamers, and hungry risk takers. Those who aren’t in it just for the thrill of the chase, but for an encounter with the one who is extending the invitation to run.