The church is losing because we have not produced one man since the book of Acts who walks as the master.
Faith or to believe is to exhibit the highest level of resolve in the form of action to see a promise, command, or principle found in the Word of God brought to pass and fulfilled regardless of what you feel and regardless of the resistance against it.
His grace is empowerment working in you that causes you to be charged with dunamis. This works as we share in his sufferings (become obedient unto death).
The uniting of the nations in Christ through sonship by the Spirit is the full unveiling of His plan to give humanity dominion over this evil age that righteousness in God’s sight would rule again.
Authority has been given to the sons of God through the Word of God. The operation of this authority is relative to your belief in what God has ALREADY said.
God doesn’t have a unique or personal will for anyone’s life. Yet people spend their whole lives trying to find it. This teaching is not found in the New Testament Word of God.
It is generally believed and taught that each person needing healing must have their own faith for their own healing, but let's look at what the Bible reveals.
We just returned from a two week mission in India to strengthen churches push into new territory and to further bring the followers of Jesus Christ into spiritual maturity.
The Father expects me to do His will in the same way that he expected Jesus to do His will.
As your spirit has been brought into agreement with His Spirit, so your mind must be brought into agreement with His mind.