“When I saw for the first time by the Word of God that sickness was not the will of God, everything in my nature rose up to defeat the will of the devil.”
— John G. Lake
““The secret of our success in healing is in teaching our workers to exercise the dominion of God through the Holy Ghost, and that He has already put it in our souls when He baptized them in the Holy Ghost. ”
— John G. Lake
“Most people don’t hate sickness and disease. That’s the problem. They want to be rid of it, but they don’t hate it. They want to get rid of it so they can go back to normal living. But when you hate it, you get rid of it and keep chasing it. That’s what the church doesn’t get, they don’t chase it. All they want to do is keep it off of their house. That’s not true love. True love is getting it off of your house and then chasing it down the street before it gets on anyone else’s house…even if you have to lay down the rest of your life to chase the thing.”
— Curry Blake
“It is our intention to have people in every city going door to door and healing the sick until we have eradicated sickness and disease from the face of the earth.””